Trinity River Blown Out… Still…


Recognized as one of the fastest steelhead rivers to drop and clear after a big storm the Trinity River in northern California has been pushing pretty big and blown out for over a week. It’s been over 7 days and counting…

These storms systems have been unrelenting. Back-to-back-to-back and back again cycles dropping impressive amounts of water & snow up and down the west coast.

Make no mistake… I’m trying not to complain… in fact, I remember months ago predicting that we might see an above average winter this year (we were due!) since 2020-2022 was one of the driest periods in California history. The odds are that we’re going to get wet this winter season.

I also remember telling guide buddies and clients that,

“You won’t hear me complaining when all the rivers blow out for a while. And, I will have to cancel trips and be indoors more than I prefer to be.”

Yeah, I am happy, relieved and excited that we are finally getting another WET winter… the fish need it, we need it, the Earth needs it.

Be grateful. Take it on the chin and get some projects done around the house. Is what I am telling myself right now. The life of a fishing guide and especially a stlhd guide - you have to accept that of which you cannot control.

Fortunately, I’ve had a pretty light calendar since the New Year. Only having to push two guide days out until further notice and the river drops. She is trying to drop, too. Like most stlhd fanatics I’m compulsively checking the water flows, gauges, cfs, and rain totals every hour. Whenever we DO get a pause in the rain… the Trinity is on the drop. Almost immediately.

The trouble is… we just haven’t had a long enough pause. It just keeps freaking raining. When we finally get a dry spell for an entire 1-3 days the river should drop back into shape. That should be happening by the middle of next week.

Where will you be when that happens?


Winter Steelhead Fishing Been Great…


The Rain Has Arrived…